Content Marketing Writing

Build Brand Awareness, Trust & Loyalty for your winery

You know how competitive the marketplace is for wine brands- consumers have tens of thousands of choices. Wine brands need to stand out in order to get ahead. Whether it is for Social Media or SEO or to generate media coverage, producing unique and compelling CONTENT is critical for wineries. Content Marketing is no longer a buzzword, it is now a business necessity.

Social Media & Blog Content Development

The benefits of creating and sharing unique content are numerous. It keeps your brand top of mind. And the more quality content you create, the more traffic (i.e. potential customers) you will generate. Whether it is through sharing on social media, or having your content syndicated, the more traffic you drive to your website the more opportunities you have to sell your wine.

At Brix Click, we create content for our own websites. We now offer to small and mid-size wineries this same expertise we use for our own content marketing. We can help you develop a content publishing calendar, generate ideas for content to write, and write unique and compelling content specific to your needs.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the most misunderstood phrase in digital marketing and website development. Put simply, SEO is about three things: 1. Optimizing the back-end, technical structure of your website; 2. Creating quality content on your website; and 3. Getting others to link to the high quality content on your website. And quite frankly, the vast majority of companies offering SEO services have no idea what they are doing.

Brix Click has 20+ years of experience in SEO, including experience working at one of the largest SEO agencies in the world and creating SEO plans for some of the world's largest brands. We are ready to bring that high-quality, large scale experience to small and mid-size wineries through our Site Audits and Recommendations.


Press Release Writing

Media relations is a cornerstone of brand building.  An independent endorsement from a respected publication lends your winery credibility and helps build consumer confidence in your brand.

Have some major news you need to effectively convey to the right audience?  We are experts at writing press releases that showcase your winery's strengths and use the right words to give journalists the "why" they should cover your news.


We don't offer "cookie cutter" one-size-fits-all packages.  We customize our solutions to your winery's budget and unique needs. Let's see how we can help.